Save time & money on every shipment
Transform your delivery process from Manual, Opaque & Fragmented to Automated, Transparent & Collaborative.
Our Promise.
Our solutions are designed to be collaborative, simple, intelligent and affordable for all users. We deliver:
Complete Visibility
Achieve end-to-end, real-time visibility across all steps & stakeholders for every order.
Intelligent Insights
Generate usable insights from the mountain of data. Eliminate noise to work smartly.
Lower Costs
Improve your bottom line by reducing operational and system costs.
Higher ROI
Get higher ROI and value delivery from every penny invested in Graviti.
Automate every part of the order
1 - click order generation
Simplify order creation via bulk upload or ERP integration. Either way, no more phone calls and messages.
Simple vehicle assignment
Assign vehicles to orders with 2 clicks. Stop back and forth calls & messages.
Seamless vehicle dispatch
Create digital LR & dispatch vehicle instantly. No need to wait for physical LR creation.
Multi-modal vehicle tracking
Automatically track vehicle location via driver's SIM, phone or GPS.
No more phone calls & panic situations.
Seamless delivery confirmation
Get real-time Proof of Delivery (POD) sent to all stakeholders. No need to wait for days.
Automated invoicing & reconciliation
Automate freight invoice creation & reconciliation. Stop spending time on excel, emails & printouts.